Diverse in Thought, United in Trust

Diversity of Thought & Trust: Where Will it Get Your Organization?  Music is universal and diverse! There are various genres, sounds, and languages, and we respect the artistic thoughts behind the notes of creativity. Does your boardroom have that type of diversity of thought and respect?  While each instrument brings a different sound, vibration, and […]

Why Side B?

Making Both Sides Your Good Side The debate of “Side B” or “B-side,” and the answer to the question I am always asked: Why is your book called Side B? There is no debate on the proper term; it is simply an evolution of music itself, much like leadership over the years. I chose to […]

Becoming a Rockstar Leader

After 30 years in “Corporate America”, I decided to start my career 2.0, in 2021. While this may not have been the time to become an entrepreneur, it certainly was time for a change for me, my health, and my family.  As a person who likes to build teams and help organizations, it was imperative […]

Understanding Side A & Side B Leadership

Whether you are a (Side A) resume-based leader or a (Side B) emotion/relationship-orientated leader, having a clear understanding of your leadership style is important to improve and develop. It may come as a surprise to leaders that neither style is truly effective on its own. By finding a balance between both styles, you can become a much more effective leader.  […]

What Is Your Secret Sauce?

For years, leaders have asked me the same question. “What’s your secret sauce?”   There is no recipe or secret sauce per se, but it does boil down to this simple truth: “Show up as your whole self and take care of your people.”  Want Results? In the simplest of terms – Be Present. Be courageous […]

Swimming Without Earbuds

In honor of the 2021 Summer Olympics ending in Tokyo. Each time I see swimming, it immediately takes me back to when I was a competitive swimmer. Swimming embraced my uber-competitive spirit and the drive to push myself to be the best!  When I was swimming, the water was clear, the lane dividers were in […]

Leading with Dyslexia ~ Having a Musical Memory

To be fully transparent and honest, having a musical memory is what helped me get through school having dyslexia. Yes, it was challenging at first, it was hard to read, I could not concentrate, and not able to keep up with others; however, in the seventh grade, my parents helped me understand that it didn’t […]